15 Strategies for Coaching Success!
Let’s get straight into it!
The Coaching industry is forever evolving. You now have more ‘competitors’ than you have ever had in the history of Coaching. In recent times, we have witnessed an influx of new businesses in the market of Life Coaching and Business Coaching (in addition to many other titles alluding to the same professions). So, here are a few questions we pose to you:
- What makes you stand out from the crowd?
- Are you investing an endless amount of time on social media without getting the desired results?
- Are you even using the right social media platforms?
- What does your branding say about you?
- Are you meeting prospects yet unsuccessful in getting them to commit?
- How good is your sales pitch? Do you find yourself doing most of the talking?
- Would YOU buy from YOURSELF?
On July 19th we will be hosting the ‘15 Strategies For Coaching Success’ event in Derbyshire. This is a unique event where we will be rounding together three professionals who have a proven track record in successfully addressing all of the aforementioned points, and more, within their own businesses and those of their clients’. This is an event specifically designed to help delegates understand and help overcome the core challenges in operating a coaching business. If you are serious about making a difference to your business, put everything else on hold, and highlight this date in your diary!
The Early Bird Rate for the Whole Day event is an Investment of £249.00 *Lunch and refreshments with be provided together with all Materials
Our Three Experts will be covering the following strategies in this all day event:
Jaz Greer:
1. Finding your ideal client 2. How to connect on Social Media 3. What platforms work best for your business 4. How to consistently fill your Sales Funnel 5. Converting a prospect into a lead
Majid Waris:
6. Nurturing your leads to convert 7. Qualifying your leads for closing 8. Removing barriers to closing your deal 9. Avoiding/Handling objections to close 10. How to close successfully
Kul Mahay:
11. Maintaining a positive mindset 12. What makes you stand out from the crowd? 13. Personal Development = Business Development 14. Growing your clients through Speaking 15. How to succeed in Coaching
Whether you are starting out in Coaching or been in the Business for some time, this Event
WILL Springboard your Business to a whole new level!
You can View the Event Brochure Here!